Kabrew 11. Another Typical Kabrew.
- Improved KaTrailer performed like a champ.
- KaBradio v2.0 performed like a champ.
- 2nd Time in Kabrew history we've been joined by a lady in one of the boats (They were inflatable on both occasions)
- Spud Gun eventually had a failure, but this just means Kabrew 12 will have a vastly improved spud-gun (Update, the new spud gun was delayed to Kabrew 13).
- First time (that I recall) seeing horses at the sand-hill. They came out of the woods at river's edge opposite the sand hill.
- First time any of us have decided to venture to the pond at the end of the Pine (Tippy Pond).
We were 10 Kabrewers strong on Kabrew 11